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Crest of the Australian Government Unique Student Identifier-Logo

Login to the USI Registry System


Login to the Student Portal

If you have a USI, login here to access your account.

Education or Training Providers

Login to the Organisation Portal

If you are a Registered Training Organisation or Higher Education Provider, login here to access our services.

Assistance – Translation and National Relay Services

Translation Services 

The Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) can provide assistance with over 160 languages and dialects.

If you have difficulty speaking or understanding English, call TIS National on 131 450 and ask them to contact the USI team on 1300 857 536 for assistance with your USI enquiry.

Alternatively, contact us on 1300 857 536 and we can connect with TIS National while you are on the phone to resolve your USI enquiry.

Please visit our website for translated information on USI in a number of languages.

National Relay Service

The National Relay Service (NRS) is a government initiative that allows people who are deaf or find it hard to hear or speak to make and receive phone calls.

To make a relay call to the USI contact centre through the NRS, all you need to do is:

1) select your preferred NRS call channel which can be found on NRS call numbers and links.

2) ask the NRS to call 1300 857 536.

For more information visit the National Relay Service.

Office of the Student Identifiers Registrar (OSIR)
Last Modified on Monday 9th September 2024 [153]