We regulate conduct where there might be a breach of the Student Identifiers Act 2014 in regards to:
- applying for student identifiers
- altering an authenticated VET transcript or an extract from a transcript
- making a document purporting to be an authenticated VET transcript or an extract from a transcript.
For further information, refer to our Compliance and Enforcement Strategy.
If you think you have identified possible non-compliance complete the report non-compliance form.
What do we do with your report?
We consider each report of alleged non-compliance against 4 key questions:
- what is the extent of the potential harm or loss (eg the creation of duplicate USIs for financial gain or the creation of fake transcripts or extracts that could lead to a safety issue)?
- what are the benefits of pursuing the non-compliance (both to the individuals involved and the wider community)?
- the type and seriousness of the non-compliance and the available evidence?
- is there an alternative course of action?
We may decide to review the matter ourselves or refer the information to another agency for investigation.
We may be in contact with you to discuss your report in detail, unless you choose to remain anonymous. We may not be able to advise you of the outcome.
Compliance FAQs
I have received an infringement notice, what are my rights?
Read our Compliance and Enforcement Strategy for detailed information about infringement notices.
Report non-compliance
If you think you have identified possible non-compliance, complete the form below.